Welcome to the second 50 years

This year the San Francisco Police Activities League turned a half-century old. But along with the opportunity to look back at all our inspiring SFPAL champions — the kids who won the championships, the kids who tried, the kids who just worked hard everyday and the coaches who championed all of their causes every step of the way — it gives us a chance to look ahead. In this 50th year of SFPAL, our goal is no less to re-launch, re-energize, re-inspire the program that has benefitted so many young people in our community over the last five decades. So in the the coming months and years, you’re going to see a lot more talk and a lot more activity about this organization. You’re going to see more police involved. You’re going to see more civilians involved. You’re going to see more kids involved. You’re seeing our new website right now. And you’re going to be seeing new TV commercials to help drum up support. We’re hoping that, with the help of the community, this will be the best half-century SFPAL ever has.